• Job details:
Electro-Technical Officer Vacancy ID 12486 Rank Electro-Technical Officer Nationality AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, BULGARIA, CROATIA, CYPRUS, CZECH REPUBLIC, DENMARK, ESTONIA, FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, IRELAND, ITALY, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, LUXEMBOURG, MALTA, NETHERLANDS , NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, POLAND, PORTUGAL, ROMANIA, RUSSIA, SLOVAKIA (Slovak Republic), SLOVENIA, SPAIN, SWEDEN, UKRAINE, Joining date 15.05.2025 Contract duration 2 months +1 /-1 weeks Short Description On Behalf of our client we are searching for an experience ETO to join our client PSV vessel in Turkey. Vessels is currently at Dry dock and due to complete all repairs soon. DP Maintencance is mandatory Responsible Petros Manoli
• Vessel details:
Vessel Vessel type PSV Vessel flag SINGAPORE GT 3548 Engine type MAK Engine power 4800
• Recruiter: Lowland
APPLY FOR JOB HERE: lowland.crewinspector.com
Full description available on the page of job advertiser.
Always check posting time on the source page. The job may be outdated.